
Friday, September 2, 2011

Gloria L. Schaab, “Creative Suffering of the Triune God: An Evolutionary Theology”

"An insightful, comprehensive examination of the Triune God, directly relevant to feminists and other activists who may seek to reconcile our religious resonances with the awareness that we live in a staggeringly unjust world."--The Feminist Review
"This is theology done at a very profound level. At one and the same time, it is a much-needed interpretation of Arthur Peacocke's theology, a fundamental treatise on how evolution plays out in theology, a striking presentation of the classic Trinitarian concept of God, and a sensitive outline of a practical theological approach to suffering. This is constructive theology at its best." --Philip Hefner, Editor-in-Chief, Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science
"Wedding classical, ecological, and feminist theology into an original synthesis, this book opens up a new line of argument about God's relation to the world being vulnerable rather than controlling. One of its strengths is how carefully it hews to evolutionary theory while interpreting the midwifery character of divine activity. Insightful and clearly written, it will appeal to a broad swath of readers: those involved in the science-theology dialogue, those interested in feminist theology, and those for whom questions surrounding God and suffering are a paramount concern." --Elizabeth A. Johnson, author of She Who Is: The Mystery of God in Feminist Theological Discourse
"In this impressive work, Gloria Schaab not only offers a creative exposition of the evolutionary theology of Arthur Peacocke but also develops her own applications of that theology for feminist thought, ecological ethics, and pastoral ministry. Anyone interested in the dialogue between science and theology and concerned about the universality of suffering, pain, and death should read this book." --James A. Wiseman, author of Theology and Modern Science: Quest for Coherence
"Mining the considerable contributions to science and theology of Arthur Peacocke, especially his perspectives on panentheism, the triune nature of God, and the problem of suffering, Gloria Schaab presents an evolutionary theology with a fresh and creative voice. Her incorporation of feminist theological symbolism and her attention to ecological ethics and pastoral practice provide further reasons for recommending this book to a wide readership." --Anne M. Clifford, Associate Professor of Theology, Duquesne University.
